Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Hi Friends...I'm excited to start a blog about "emotional" marketing experiences. As 95% of our thoughts are unconscious, and many of our choices unexplained and irrational, according to the psychologists who study our behavior, I'd like to share experiences about marketing programs that have gotten through to the complex consumer psyche. For example, experiences that made you emotionally charged about doing business with a brand - positive or negative; experiences where you created a brand experience that resulted in positive emotion for your business or a client's; or favorite examples of campaigns and programs that were worth getting excited about.

An example...I recently developed a Heart Museum for one of my health care clients to introduce a new wing of an established hospital that was being dedicated to cardiovascular services. Instead of a typical open house, we invited the public to come to a Heart Museum where they could see current technology juxtaposed with past technology, see a classic like the first successful artificial heart, the Jarvik-7; and get their own personal heart scores. We expected 200 people and stopped counting at 1200. The elevator broke in the first hour as the crowd was so thick. As we analyzed the turn out phenomenon, we realized it was due to the fact that people were very emotional about heart health - many attendees had had heart surgery, pacemakers, artificial valves, or had loved ones that had, so literally this theme was near and dear to their heart. We also invited past patients to submit their stories and share with attendees. Their passion alone for helping others embarking on their same journey to heart health made this event worthwhile. Had we just invited people to see new hospital rooms, there would not have been anything exciting about this event.

Please share your ideas, thoughts, comments, suggestions for how we marketers can create enthusiasm and passion for the brands we serve. I'm already excited to hear your stories.


1 comment:

  1. I find that strong emotional connections are often tied back to childhood/adolescent memories.
    For example, the design of a vehicle. I recall drawing cars, the way I felt they should look.
    When I see a vehicle design that resembles that original unfiltered design from my inner creative self, it evokes and impulse to further investigate, and potentially purchase!
